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Some tips from World Health Organization to protect against Corona virus

It is very important to build resistance without panicking

The Dhaka Times Desk At last there has been an outbreak of deadly corona in our country too. However, it is very important to build resistance without panicking. Learn some tips from the World Health Organization to protect yourself from the coronavirus today.

করোনা ভাইরাস থেকে সুরক্ষায় বিশ্ব স্বাস্থ্য সংস্থার কয়েকটি টিপস 1

3 thousand 828 people have died worldwide due to the deadly corona virus that spread from China. The death toll in China alone is 3,119.

Apart from China, this deadly virus has spread to 107 other countries including Bangladesh. 709 people died outside of China.

The total number of people affected by this virus in the world has reached 1 lakh 9 thousand 977 people. The number of infected in China is 80 thousand 735 people.

Corona virus is a genetic disease whose symptoms include flu, fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, headache, sneezing and fatigue. In seriousness, the symptoms are pneumonia, difficulty breathing and diarrhoea. The end result of many of these is death.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has given some tips to protect against this fast-spreading corona virus.

If you follow these tips, you will hopefully be able to protect yourself from this deadly virus.

Avoid travel

Avoid non-essential travel. If flu-like symptoms (such as fever, cough, runny nose, or sneezing) occur, avoid any type of travel as necessary.

Avoid populated areas

It is wise to avoid crowded areas to avoid contracting this deadly virus. The reason may be that - a person does not have any symptoms of the corona virus, but he is carrying the germs of the disease. Because the symptoms of this virus do not appear within 14 days. So it is wise to avoid crowded places. Because this population can infect you with the virus.

If you have trouble breathing, do a blood test immediately

If you have flu symptoms and difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. Corona test should be done according to doctor's advice.

Keep distance from people

Keep your distance from people who have flu or cold symptoms. While talking to a person, keep a distance of 0.5m to 2m.

Keep hands clean

Wash hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand wash for at least 20 seconds.

Maintain personal hygiene

Use disinfectants around your home every day, to clean toilets, tables, computers, laptops, switches and stationery.

Do not touch eyes

If an infected person sneezes or coughs without a mask, the pathogens are released as droplets and spread on objects such as chairs or tables. When another person touches those things and touches his eyes, nose or mouth with those hands, the germs of the disease enter the body and infect him. Pathogens can survive on objects for up to 48 hours.

Seniors should take special care

The immune system of the elderly is quite weak, which is why the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking special care of the elderly and sick family members. The reason is that the elderly are dying more due to corona virus.

Cover your mouth and nose

If you have flu-like symptoms and cough or sneeze frequently, always use a tissue and dispose of it in a designated dustbin immediately after use. Wash hands with alcohol-based soap and running water.

Do not touch the mask after use

If you are wearing a mask to cover your face and nose, do not touch it at all with your bare hands once it is on. After using the mask, remove it safely and wash hands thoroughly immediately.

Avoid raw food

Do not eat raw, undercooked or semi-cooked food at all. Eat properly cooked food. Meaty food should be avoided. Wash your hands immediately if you touch raw meat or any part of a dead animal.

Do not spit anywhere

Do not spit anywhere in public or on the streets. Anyone can get infected through this.

Better not to come in contact with animals

Avoid contact with animals at all. Avoid going to farm or animal markets or where animals are slaughtered. Also, do not keep contact with living animals that are sick. Animals should not be petted or touched. Not even standing next to the animal.

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