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The story of the world's richest barber who owns 17 thousand crore rupees!

He is ranked 68th in the list of richest people in India

The Dhaka Times Desk It is impossible to say when the Creator will return the destiny. And so the ordinary chaphosha barber became a millionaire. That's not one or two taka, the owner of 17 thousand crore taka!

১৭ হাজার কোটি টাকার মালিক বিশ্বের ধনী নাপিতের গল্প! 1

The name of this millionaire is Ramesh Babu. He is the richest barber in the world. He is ranked 68th in the list of richest people in India. Poor Ramesh goes from being poor to becoming a millionaire because of his talent and right decisions. Currently, Ramesh owns two billion US dollars. Which is like 17 thousand crores in Bangladeshi currency! He has 378 expensive cars.

Among which he has 120 luxury cars. The success story of that Ramesh Babu from zero to hero will be highlighted. Ramesh Babu was born in 1974 in Bangalore, India in the family of a salon businessman. Little Ramesh lost his father at the age of 7 and fell into financial trouble. Due to his young age, he did not have the ability to join his father's salon business. His mother rented his father's salon shop to an uncle for 5 taka per month.

But the financial crisis did not leave them behind. At one point, Ramesh's poor mother went to work at the house of a person named Nandini. Poor Ramesh earned Rs 100 per month by selling newspapers and milk at the beginning of his career. Also continue studying. When Ramesh appeared in Intermediate, he failed the final exam. Even then, Ramesh did not give up. Later, Ramesh did a diploma in electronics engineering. There was a target in mind, to do something big to eliminate the lack of family forever. However, at the age of 18, Ramesh took over the responsibility of his father's salon business and focused on business.

Educated Ramesh soon became a well-mannered and young hairstylist. He was busy from 6 am to midnight. He accumulated a large amount of money in 4 consecutive years of hard work. So in 1993, he bought a Maruti Omni microbus through a bank loan as a hobby. The seeds of his success were basically hidden there.

Ramesh Babu said, I bought the microbus for my own use. Along with that, I also managed the salon business. However, I was struggling to repay the bank loan properly. At one point my two-month loan amount fell due. Then the lady named Nandini suggested to rent the car. This is where I discovered the concept of the Rent-A-Car business. Then we started renting the microbus. Sometimes I myself serve passengers. I also run my own salon business.

From the introduction of the saloon business, the rent-a-car business flourished. Gradually started adding cars to businesses one by one. My rent-a-car business also includes cars like Me Back, Limousine, Mercedes, Bentry, BMW. In 2011 I added Roll Royals cars. Currently, I rent Roll Royals for a day from Rent-a-car company for 50 thousand rupees. I am also renting the rest for a fixed amount. I also established the business of tours and travels.

Ramesh also said, despite owning so much money, I have continued the salon business. You can still get a haircut with me for just Rs 150. But you may not get it all the time. The reason is that I cut hair as a hobby.

Ramesh said, success in life is very easy if the goal is fixed. There is no doubt that success is within reach with a fixed goal and hard work.

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