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Advice to Corona sufferers: Go 'anti-social'

The name of the person infected with corona virus is Kevin Harris

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole world is shaking under the influence of deadly corona virus. Although various preparations have been taken to avoid the spread of this virus, it is not working. So a corona patient said, become 'anti-social'! A patient infected with corona virus has given a warning for common people as part of preparation to survive from corona virus.

করোনা আক্রান্তের পরামর্শ: ‘অসামাজিক’ হয়ে যান 1

The whole world is shaking under the influence of deadly corona virus. Although various preparations have been taken to avoid the spread of this virus, it is not working. So a corona patient said, become 'anti-social'! A patient infected with corona virus has given a warning for common people as part of preparation to survive from corona virus.

According to an Indian media report, the name of the person infected with the corona virus is Kevin Harris (55). He is currently being treated at Mapsey Health St. Joseph's Hospital in the Warren area of Dover, New Jersey, USA.

Harris went live on Facebook from his hospital bed last Friday night. There he said that his symptoms appeared on March 2. There was a very slight cough. After that, body-hand-feet pain and fever started. But he didn't have a sore throat or a cold. He thought he had the flu.

He also said, 'I had no symptoms until I started coughing at night. That was the first sign. Within 24 hours the condition worsened. When I woke up in the morning I just felt like I was dying.'

Harris appeared to have had a heart attack. On March 8, a friend admitted him to the hospital. On March 11, he was diagnosed with corona virus. He is the fifth person in Ohio to be infected with the coronavirus.

Harris warned people to insist on maintaining 'social distancing'. He said, 'Don't go to public gatherings at all. Do not shake hands with anyone. Don't even hug. Wash your hands frequently. Do not kiss children at all. Hundreds of thousands of people around are carrying this virus. They may not even know it themselves. People need to stay away from other people. He says to keep "social distance", I say become "anti-social" if necessary.'

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