The Dhaka Times
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The shooting of the TV drama is stopped till March 31

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been decided to stop the shooting of all kinds of TV dramas till March 31 to prevent the spread of Corona virus.

টিভি নাটকের শুটিং বন্ধ ৩১ মার্চ পর্যন্ত 1

This decision was taken in the meeting of representatives of Television Program Producers Association of Bangladesh, Directors Guild, Abhinay Shilpi Sangh at 8 pm yesterday (Wednesday).

With this information, Ahsan Habib Nasim, General Secretary of Actors' Association, said, "For now, it has been decided to stop the shooting of the TV drama till March 31. However, it is said that when this decision will be effective, it will be finalized (Thursday) evening. Because right now several units are staying outside Dhaka for shooting. We will sit again with the leaders of all organizations related to television dramas and take the final decision only then whether the decision will be implemented from March 21 or 22.'

Television Program Producers Association of Bangladesh General Secretary Saju Muntasir, President Eresh Zaker, Directors Guild General Secretary SA Haque Olik, Ahsan Habib Nasim and many others participated in this meeting.

Before this, the Film Exhibitors Association has decided to close all cinema halls in the country from March 18 to April 2. All programs in 5 auditoriums of Shilpakala Academy were also canceled from March 18-31.

On the other hand, Bangladesh Combined Cultural Alliance has called for events that involve public gatherings.

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