The Dhaka Times
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Lifeless Surroundings: An Unrecognizable Mecca City

The Dhaka Times Desk The city that never lacked people, the city that was always busy with millions of people walking, the land that trembled in the name of Allah - everything has changed. 24 hours a day where 'Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik' used to be uttered in people's mouths seems to have stopped. The ever-known Mecca is now completely lifeless.

নির্জীব-নিস্তব্ধ চারিদিক: অচেনা এক মক্কা নগরী 1

The city that never lacked people, the city that was always busy with millions of people walking, the land that trembled in the name of Allah - everything has changed. 24 hours a day where 'Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik' used to be uttered in people's mouths seems to have stopped. The ever-known Mecca is now completely lifeless.

There is no way to recognize the holy city of Mecca now due to the fear of the deadly corona virus that has spread worldwide. Makkah-Madinah has already been blocked due to the pandemic virus. Basically, millions of people of the country have become house arrest. Makkah residential hotels, accommodation, shopping malls, markets, restaurants, salons, fast food and plazas have been closed. The biggest thing is that no one can see the Kaaba house of Masjidul Haram.

Silence everywhere. There is no one on the streets around the Kaaba in Misfalah, Mecca. Empty everywhere as far as the eye can see, it will be unbelievable.

Epidemics that kill humanity's religion and compassion are frightening. The terrible epidemics in the history of the world have left many wounds in the heart of human civilization.

Institutions under the Public Health Department of Saudi Arabia are working day and night to serve the citizens. The country's government has also launched hotlines in various cities.

A ban on early Umrah Hajj, offices-courts, schools-colleges, Masjid-ul-Haram and all mosques except Masjid-e-Nabawi in Madinah and lastly private institutions have been closed for 15 days. Flight communication with various countries has also been stopped by the appropriate decision of the Saudi government and the cabinet.

Due to these programs and security measures and various effective measures taken by the government of Saudi Arabia, the corona virus can spread widely in the country. However, nearly two million Bangladeshis living in the country live in fear. Many are not leaving home. Everyone is using masks and hand gloves when going out for necessary purchases.

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