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1 person dies every 10 minutes due to corona virus in Iran

The Dhaka Times Desk According to the Ministry of Health of Iran, one person dies every 10 minutes due to corona virus.

করোনা ভাইরাসে ইরানে প্রতি ১০ মিনিটে ১ জনের মৃত্যু 1

Quoting Kianush Jahanpour, the spokesperson of the country's Ministry of Health, the international media reported that 50 people are being infected with the corona virus every hour in Iran. One person dies every 10 minutes.

On Thursday, Kianush Jahanpour wrote on Twitter that, "We can say that by looking at the information we have received, one person is dying every 10 minutes due to corona in Iran, and on the other hand, at least 50 people are infected every hour."

According to a report by the Independent newspaper of the United Kingdom, the research of the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran has feared that the number of dead in Iran may exceed 12,000.

Officially, the number of deaths due to corona in the country is said to be 1,284, but experts believe that the death toll may be higher.

As of last Thursday, 18,407 people have been infected in Iran, according to Alireza Raisi, Iran's health minister.

The country's state media said former Iranian parliamentarian Hamid Kahram died after contracting the coronavirus. He represented Iran's parliament from 2000 to 2004.

It is to be noted that at least 16 important state persons have died so far, including top clerics and advisors of the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, due to this virus.

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