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Lockdown in the world to fight Corona

China adopted a plan to block people at home to prevent the spread of the virus, which is contagious

The Dhaka Times Desk 80 cities in India have been locked down due to Corona to prevent the spread of the deadly virus Corona virus. Not only India, many other countries of the world have been locked down.

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India's list includes highly populated cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata. Earlier, similar measures were taken in different parts of the world to prevent the spread of Corona.

In December last year, the corona virus first spread from the city of Wuhan in Hubei Province, China. China adopted a plan to block people at home to prevent the spread of the virus, which is contagious.

For this purpose, on January 23, the Chinese government locked down more than 50 million residents of 16 other cities in the province, including Wuhan. An army post was established to implement it. The lockdown continues for one and a half months. Even the Chinese representative of the World Health Organization mentioned this move as surprising.

Chinese representative of the World Health Organization. This is a first in the history of public health, Gauden Galye said. Blocking the entry and exit of 1.1 million people was not easy at all.

The World Health Organization also opined that China has saved many people from infection through this step. After China, starting on a small scale on February 21, Italy locked down the entire country on March 10. About 6 crore people are stuck in it. However, food and medicine shops have been kept open. If you do not follow the rules, you will be fined and jailed.

France ordered 67 million residents to stay at home for 15 days from March 15. Failure to comply with the order is punishable by jail and fine. Similarly, Spain has also locked down around 47 million people.

Germany has declared a total ban on the movement of more than two residents without family members together. Citizens are warned that breaking this rule will result in hefty fines.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a three-week lockdown. The police will also act to forcibly block people. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already been infected with this deadly corona virus.

On the other hand, South American country Argentina has also started lockdown. Australia has closed all shops as well as businesses. Also, lockdown is going on in different countries of the world to prevent the spread of Corona virus. Even though the lockdown has not been officially announced in Bangladesh, the lockdown is actually going on. Because buses, trains, launches have all been stopped. Government and private offices and courts have also been closed.

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