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Drone hunting license available!!!

The Dhaka Times Desk Drones are one of the most discussed and controversial issues in the world today Use of aircraft. The world is saying America, on the suspects Intelligence surveillance, drug control etc. they are using drone aircraft on foreign soil. Until now, the United States has not used drones on its own soil, but the Federal Aviation Administration recently introduced several changes to its policy that will remove legal barriers to flying drones in American airspace. Besides, they have also announced to fly some experimental drones. Residents of the small town of Deer Trail, Colorado are going to take a bold decision to protest the decision taken by the Federal Aviation Administration. If a drone flies over the Deer Trail, they are going to issue a license to shoot it down.


Seven elected representatives of the residents of Deer Trail, a small town of 500 residents, are going to pass a license to shoot down drones flying over Deer Trail on August 6. The license has already been drafted with the help of the residents of the city. To get this drone hunting license you have to spend 25 dollars. A $100 reward is also being considered if the drone is shot down.

Deer Trail resident Philip Steele is the man behind this novel idea. He also drafted the ordinance. When Philip was asked about the matter, he said, 'This is a very symbolic initiative, which is going to be taken in favor of our rights. We want sovereignty over our skies. When asked about destruction of central government property being a punishable offence, Philip said, 'Drone surveillance is against our constitutional rights to privacy, equality and privacy. When I was in the army, I took an oath that I would defend the constitution.'

It should be noted that by the year 2015, the United States can officially start using drones in its own land, so the Central Aviation Administration announced experimental unmanned drones.

References: The Tech Journal

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