Categories: health talk

Know the foods that will revive your dry hair!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people are suffering from dry hair. If the hair is dry, dry dandruff occurs on the head, hair loss increases. Due to dryness, static electricity occurs in the hair, which makes the hair messy and difficult to comb. Eating certain foods can revive your dry hair.

Cucumber: Rich in fiber and fluids, cucumber increases the amount of fiber and water in the body. Cucumber keeps the blood clean by removing harmful and toxic substances accumulated in the body. Cucumber contains silica, silica makes hair shiny and moisturizes hair.

Green vegetables: Green vegetables and cucumbers contain silica, besides, green leafy vegetables contain vitamin “A” and vitamin “C”. Green vegetables are very beneficial for health. Most of the fiber and various vitamins and minerals that the body needs throughout the day can be filled from green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins which can be consumed daily to make your hair smooth and dry.

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Flax seeds: Flax seeds are a very important source of omega-three fatty acids. Flaxseed oil contains EPA and DH. Flax seeds will play a special role in preventing your hair fall, besides, flax seeds increase the vitality of the hair and make the hair shiny.

Walnut fruit: Walnut fruit is a remarkable food to prevent hair fall and rejuvenate hair. Walnuts are rich in biotin. Biotin plays an important role in preventing hair fall. Also, various studies have shown that walnuts contain zinc, zinc reduces hair loss.

Salmon fish: Salmon is much more delicious fish than our Rui Katla. Salmon is a blessing for those who suffer from dry hair. Salmon is an omega-3 rich food. Salmon can make your dry hair shiny and prevent hair loss.

Water: Instead of calorie-laden soft drinks, a glass of water can be the best drink to enhance the beauty of your hair. Water is a natural resource for our health and hair and skin. Moreover, water invigorates the body. Water helps carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. When the body gets enough water, the heart does not have to work as hard to circulate blood throughout the body. Drinking plenty of water removes the dryness of the skin and scalp and makes the hair shiny.

Egg: Eggs are a protein-rich, easily available ideal food. Egg white is very beneficial for hair. Eggs contain two vitamins that are useful for hair, vitamins B-5 and B-12. Besides, eggs contain biotin, which is very useful for hair.

Believe it or not, when it comes to healthy hair, everyone tells you what to do, but we tell you what to eat to keep your hair healthy, shiny, and dry. If you eat these foods in quantity, your hair will be dry and your hair will be healthy.

Source: India Times.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০২২ 3:42 pm


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