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The story of a twisted house in Poland

The Dhaka Times Desk At first glance, the image may look like a toy house hand-painted by a famous artist. Or it's a cartoon or a picture of a house torn apart by a tornado. No, not at all. Actually it is a real house.

Poland story of a house

It is a habitable building. A shopping center. This building of Poland's resident shopping center covers an area of 4,000 square meters and is called 'Crooked House'. It was designed by Polish engineers Jotinzi and Zaleski. Its construction work was completed in 2004.

The main attraction of the house is its stained glass entrance, stonework on the walls and window frames in sandstone. The ultimate beauty of its design and craftsmanship can be enjoyed when the building is illuminated at night. In that light, the sweetness of blue-green rays spread from the roof and doors and windows. There are restaurants and bars inside. This building is also a major tourist attraction for the people of the city. They gave another name to this mysterious building 'Wall of Fame'.

The Poles also claim this house as the best construction of the 21st century. This, they say, is a modern miracle. Even they think, they and their future generations will be proud of this building. And this joy they want to share worldwide and they feel quite proud. Source: Dainik Yugantar.

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