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A house made of beer!

The Dhaka Times Desk How many home building tools are there? Straw houses, tin houses, wooden houses, brick houses and many other types of houses. But this time the house is made of beer!

Beer containers house

According to an online newspaper, a man in the United States has covered his entire house with empty beer cans. A man named Milkovich also used cans to make various home furnishings. It took more than 50 thousand cans for this. And 18 years have passed by collecting cans. This house named 'Beer Can House' is located in Houston, Texas.

Milkovich started the house building project in 1968. He first used various metal pieces, concrete, marble, stone and redwood to cover the front and back of the house. A few days later he started using beer cans in it. And this he continued to do for 18 years. Milkovich is said to have been a designer by profession.

The silver bottom of the can is used for the gate and surrounding walls of that house. The upper part is made of a kind of screen. It is hung from the ceiling down to the front of the house. Apart from this, chandeliers, windmills and chimes are made from cans. In all, more than 50,000 cans have been used in this house. Milkovich emptied most of the beer cans himself. The rest is given to his wife and neighbors. Milkovich lived in the house until his death in the 1980s. Then his wife lived there. But after the death of his wife in the nineties, the house became vacant. 10 years ago, a non-profit organization called 'Orange Shaw Center for Visionary Art' took over its care.

The famous beer can house is now open to tourists. The entrance fee is two dollars. And if you want to enter with a guide, it will cost five dollars. Keeping tourists in mind, a gift shop has also been installed inside the house. Many tourists come every day to see Milkovich's house made of beer cans. Source: Los Angeles Times.

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