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Know 10 special tips to care for your teeth

The Dhaka Times Desk Teeth are a symbol of human beauty, everyone should understand the meaning of teeth to have teeth. No matter how beautiful or beautiful you look, if your teeth are not beautiful, you will look awkward when you smile, you will have to fall into various embarrassments if you have bad breath. So here are 10 tips to keep your teeth beautiful.


We recently for you today In India Times Here are some tips on how to keep teeth healthy and bright, given by Ajay Kakkar, a prominent Indian dentist.

Brush twice daily: Dr. Ajay said that people's 70% dental problems are solved if people regularly brush their teeth twice a day. Make it a habit to brush your teeth regularly for 2-4 minutes twice a day.

Use a good quality brush and paste: Never brush your teeth with anything that will erode the enamel instead of improving your teeth. Buy a good quality toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. Also, use good quality fluoride toothpaste.

Clean teeth thoroughly after meals: If you have had too much breakfast, you must wash your mouth with clean water after every breakfast. Brush your teeth thoroughly after eating special foods like bread, biscuits, cakes, toffee lozenges, ice cream etc.

Consult a dentist: Be sure to visit the dentist at least once a year to see if your teeth are in good shape. Usually we look down on teeth, dismissing many as minor problems. Remember that teeth are very important parts of the human body, so there is a separate section in medical science for teeth.

Do not smoke Smoking is just as bad for your health as it is for your teeth. Nicotine in cigarettes erodes tooth enamel. Also, nicotine causes dark spots on the teeth. So if you are a smoker, quit smoking.

Change the brush: Using the same brush for a long time is not good for the teeth. If you have been brushing your teeth with the same brush for about 1 year, change it now.

Eat healthy food: Just as you need to eat healthy foods to maintain your own health, take care of your precious teeth by eating foods that are good for your health and teeth.

Include milky foods in the food list: Milk helps strengthen your tooth structure. Eating milk and milk products will make your teeth whiter and brighter. Foods made from milk like cheese, cheese, butter, curd etc.

Stay away from soft drinks: If you want to maintain the beauty of your teeth, you must stay away from bottled soft drinks. Coke or Pepsi contains caramel coloring that is enough to discolor your teeth. If you still want to drink these soft drinks, use a pipe or straw.

Flossing teeth: After every time we take food, there is a lot of food stuck in the gap between our teeth which cannot be cleaned with a brush or water, so in this case you can clean the gap between the teeth with a fine floss, clean it like this at least twice a day.

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