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On November 11, 1971, Comilla's 'Betiara' war is about

Hasanuzzaman On November 11, 1971, a terrible battle took place at Betiara in Comilla, which is known in history as the 'Betiara' battle.

In the liberation war of 1971, freedom fighters fought against the Pakistani forces and their local allies all over the country. Three million freedom fighters of this country were martyred in the war. Mothers and sisters of this country have lost their dignity. Among the many battles, one important battle is known as the 'Battle of Betiara' in Comilla. This war was organized on 11 November'1971. Most of the fighters in the war belonged to the left progressive class. There, 9 fighters of NAP-Communist-Student Union, Khelaghar Guerrilla forces were killed in the clash against Pak forces. Among them Shahidullah Saud, the martyred friend of Khelaghar, is one of them. He was the organizing secretary of Arntagat Jhilimili Khelaghar Asar of Narayanganj district. He was the third of four children of Md. Javed Ali Saud, an employee of No. 2 Dhakeswari Cotton Mill, and Mosammat Zayda Khatun. After completing his studies from Godanail Primary School, he enrolled in Godanail High School. In the meantime he got involved with Jhilimili Khelaghar Asar. He has been managing the activities of the event from the post of organizing secretary. He did not stay at home when the liberation war started. Patriotism drove him time and again to go to war. At the age of 14, he along with other friends went to Tezpur, Assam, India to take combat training. He became a warrior after completing training for 4 months at the Baikhola base camp there.

There is no doubt that all those who went to the liberation war were motivated by patriotism. But the Nap-Communist-Student Union guys are on a different level. Everyone knows that there is no shortage of principles, morals, values, faith, patriotism, consciousness. As a result others may not match them. After the terrible carnage of the black night of March 25, the people of Dhaka first started leaving the area. When the Pakistani invasion forces started their attack outside Dhaka, the people who supported the liberation war could no longer stay at home. Sometimes they leave the country alone sometimes in groups and take refuge in the neighboring country India. Government of India extended all kinds of help. Camps were set up inside India in the border areas of our country and training of freedom fighters was arranged. One notable camp among the many camps is the Baikhola Base Camp in Tezpur, Assam.

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About 200 workers/organizers of NAP-Communist-Student Union enrolled in this camp in May 1971. Among them were Communist Party advisor Comrade Magnurul Ahsan Khan, Daily Prothom Alo editor Matiur Rahman, Science and Technology Minister Yafes Osman. The training ended a few days ago. But they are unable to enter the country due to lack of permission. Trained fighters have no time left. At the base camp, they spent most of their time playing cards and talking. Two have a radio. Pakistani radio is repeatedly saying that the miscreants have escaped. The country is under their complete control. Although two/one division wars are mentioned, their victory is being said there. No one wants to listen to Pakistani radio news. Everyone depends on BBC news. From the first of November, news of victory started coming in.

Chapainawabgagya, Rangpur, Jessore, Kushtia in Uttarajal of the country. Khulna has already been cleared of the enemy. Trained warriors no longer want to sit still. They are fully prepared to go into battle and await the signal. Every day in the base camp, songs and poetry sessions are held, stories of the brave freedom fighters of the independent country are told. Warriors become brave. They are waiting to jump into the fight of the motherland, ignoring death. Senior leaders divided the force of 78 into three groups. He selected Nizamuddin Azad as the leader of the Farmer Guerrilla Group, Mir Mosharraf Hossain as the leader of the Workers Guerrilla Group and Yafes Osman as the leader of the Student Guerrilla Group. They have completed all preparations for war and are waiting for the call. Finally, senior leader Majnurul Ahsan Khan came and informed that you have been allowed to go to the country on November 7/8. Everyone was overjoyed to hear this news. Everyone is waiting for that time. Feeling tension in the body. The desire to kill the enemy increased the tension in their minds. Time doesn't pass anymore.

Finally, not on 7/8, but after noon on 11 November, the Indian SSB's trucks came and stopped in front of the camp. The Joans squeezed into the truck one by one. The trucks carrying the young women reached Bhairavtila by afternoon. Joans got down from the truck and started waiting for the signal. The green wilderness of the country can be seen from Bhairav Tila. Everyone is eagerly looking towards the beloved motherland. Meanwhile, Abu Taher and Samsul Alam were in charge of making all the plans to enter the country. Local Abdul Quader and Abdul Mannan performed the duty of guider. The nearest village from Bhairav Tila is Betiyara. Betijara is located in Chauddagram upazila of Comilla district. Dhaka-Chittagong road passes by Betiara village. Crossing the road through the village, the Joans want to move forward. There is a Pakistani invasion force camp in the Jagannath Dighi area north of Betiyara village. This Pak Army camp is a little different from other camps. Because Betiara's communication system with India is better than other areas. Freedom fighters consider this route important to enter the country. Similarly, the attacking forces are always active to prevent the entry of enemy forces. Gaidar Quader and Mannan have earlier helped several groups of freedom fighters enter the country through this route. As a result, they have become loyal to the freedom fighters. Guiders reeked the Dhaka-Chittagong road again and again and signaled the freedom fighters to enter the country. By the time the Joans came down from Bhairavatila, dusk had fallen. Winter has not really hit. But if you don't put on a sweater or a sheet, it feels quite cold. Surrounded by forests. What is the fear of seeing snakes and insects? Where they don't want to spare a bit to give life. What is there again to fear? The call of insects all around. Darkness all around. They walk forward across the aisle of land. Gaidar Quader and Mannan are on the front. They are local brave youth, freedom fighters. The Joans are walking the path shown to them with a brave walk. The night was quite deep. The clock strikes 11. Dhaka-Chittagong highway is ahead. Their goal is to cross this road and move forward through the village. Joans have light, medium and all types of ammunition. Quiet all around, no sound. There are no cars on the road. The road is only after crossing the culvert ahead. As soon as he stepped on the culvert, the Pakistani military opened fire. The firing continued like rain. Firing continued not only from one side but also from three sides. Pak army was waiting in ambush.

Nizamuddin Azad and his soldiers retaliated with Jai Bangla slogans. The Joans chanted in unison to keep their spirits up.' Win Bengal, win socialism. Be one of the workers of the world'. But the soldiers were taken aback by the sudden attack of the invading forces. Azad lay down on the side of the road and started firing back. At one point Azad realized that it would be difficult to keep up the fight with the pre-prepared invading forces. He ordered his men to retreat but Azad continued to fight. Many of Azad's surviving companions said Azad ordered his teammates to turn back to save their lives. If Azad had stopped firing at that time, the party's jawans would have suffered huge losses. A few of them continued to fight to protect the Joans. Once a bullet fired by Pak-invader forces hit Azad's village. Azad collapsed on the side of the road. 'Jai Bangla' started to be pronounced from Azad's mouth. Azad, seriously injured, was caught by his comrades and tried to take him towards the Indian border. At this time, the intensity of firing by the enemy forces increased. Shahidullah Saud, Md. Sirazum Monir Jahangir, Bashirul Islam Master, Awlad Hossain, Dudu Mia, Abdul Qayoum, Abdul Quader, Mohammad Shafiullah were lost one after the other in this battle from Azad's side. One by one, Azad fell to his death due to the death of his companions. The war did not stop here. Throughout the night, Pakistani aircraft bombarded the Indian border area heavily. Commenting on this war, Indian Army experts said, 'The losses that should have been incurred in such a war were not. Escape was possible because of Joan's strategy'.

These bodies lie on the roadside. A few days later local people came to the spot and were shocked to see the body. The corpses were buried along the Dhaka-Chittagong road. Later, the government built a Shaheed Minar here in memory of the martyred freedom fighters. This war is known in history as 'Betiara War'.

# Author: Member, Sports Central Committee. Mob: 01711-108736

This post was last modified on November 12, 2020 8:58 am

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