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How to get your child interested in eating healthy food

The Dhaka Times Desk All parents want to feed their children healthy food. But many people are confused in this regard. Healthy eating habits should be developed from childhood. Today I will tell you some tips which if followed will make your baby healthy.


1. Choose food items that the whole family likes. Among the many favorite items, keep a couple of vitamin-rich items, so that all those items will not be noticed, but it will be okay to eat.


2. Whatever you give as food, try to reduce it so that children will eat with satisfaction and will not be averse to their food. Many times it is seen that parents think that giving more food will improve the health of the child but this idea is completely wrong. If the child becomes averse to food as a result of giving too much food, it will become difficult to feed him later. So whatever you feed must be nutritious and moderate in quantity.


3. If your child does not want to eat, you can invite the child's friends to eat at their house, so your child will develop the habit of eating by seeing his friends. Remember that children love imitation!


4. If your child is reluctant to eat or won't eat, invite someone the child loves, such as an uncle, aunt, or someone else. By doing this, your baby will develop the habit of playing and eating with his favorite person.


5. Never force the child to eat, this may cause your child to develop a fear of food. Once a child is afraid or reluctant to eat food, it is very difficult to get him interested in food later.


6. Many times children can be seen playing with food! If you see your child playing with food, remove the food plate immediately. Because a child playing with his food does not mean he is enjoying eating. Give him his favorite food at this time.


7. Keep the baby entertained while eating. Try to make the baby's meal time enjoyable. Do or say to them what they like. This will make the children more interested in the food next time.


8. Special attention should be paid to snacks and drinks between heavy meals. Care should be taken that the child does not drink too much snacks and drinks before the meal, because the child will not be hungry, so he will not want to eat.


9. Always ask the child to drink fruit juice or water after meals. By doing this, the child's digestion will work properly.


10. When your baby is hungry, give the baby a nutritious new fruit root to introduce the new fruit root. As a result, the child's interest in new foods will increase.

Source: India Times.

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