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The 'Talukdar Bari' of Belabar history and tradition still survives with mud houses

The Dhaka Times Desk Belab Upazila of Narsingdi District is rich in ancient history and tradition. Here in Uari-Bateshwar there is a two and a half thousand year old fort-city.

বেলাবর ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যের ‘তালুকদার বাড়ি’ এখনও টিকে আছে মাটির ঘর নিয়ে 1

Many ancient monuments of Raja Narsingh Bhavla village of Patuli union of Belab upazila of Narsingdi, Bhavla 'Babur Bari', which acquired the fame of Talukdar Bari by purchasing Talukdari from Bhawal Raja, still survives with many old mud huts. Along with that, the very old post office made of clay is a witness of time.

Analyzing the information obtained from various old documents and documents, it is found that this house has been located for more than 500 years. However, Bengali approximately 1241, English 1835 AD, this house comes up in discussion. Then the owner of this house, Durgacharan Chakraborty, acquired the fame of 'Talukdar Bari' by purchasing a huge talukdari from the then Bhawal Raja Rajendra Narayan Roy Chowdhury. He ruled the talukdar for 58 years and died. After the death of Durgacharan Babu, his son Shyamacharan Chakraborty and his two other brothers Gangacharan Chakraborty and Annadacharan Chakraborty took charge of the vast talukdari. They used to manage this talukdari under 3 Kacharis.

At that time Harkumar Chakraborty (Kasba), Adhar Chandra Guha, Devendra Chakraborty (Patuli), Genendra Chakraborty (Shivapur) etc. worked here as Naib. At that time, the members of this talukdar's house, the present Bhabla Babu's house, had regular visits to the Bhawal royal family. Talukdar's properties are located in different mauzas of 3 upazilas. According to the information received, Baragaon, Targaon, Safaishree, Bharasan Mauza land of Kapasia upazila of Gazipur district, Panchkandi, Chula, Katabaria, Madhushal, Barudia, Kharabo, Jamalpur, Sarvalakshana, Paikan, Chanditala of Manohardi upazila are all these Mauzas.

The mauzas of Bhavla, Moga, Chandipara, Golglia, Bhawaler Char, Charsayet, Latifpur, Rajarampur of Belab Upazila were included in this talukdari estate of Baburbari. Moreover, the entire Ashtagram Mauza was the own land of this talukdar estate. Vishal Talukdari looked after 3 brothers of Talukdar besides their sons.

Durgacharan Chakraborty's younger son Annadacharan was an educated as well as a popular personality. He served as the President of Patuli Union Board from 1927 to 1954. He headed the Patuli Union Board for 27 years as a distinguished president during the British period and thereafter. He won many prestigious medals including the Rashtriya Medal as the best president for his devotion to duty and integrity.

It is said that some trees used to catch thousands of jackals, so people called them Hazari trees. The Bhawal royal family was actually treated to jackfruit from the Hazari tree (which was reputed to be very tasty) along with other delicacies. Also, on the west side of the house, a huge collection of almost all types of medicinal plants including 170-180 years old litchi trees, 120/130 years old mangoes, jackfruits, and jams were seen. On the eastern side of the house there were still 3 eight-storeyed houses reserved for women in various religious ceremonies. Houses in which houses only exist. Where the women of different areas, neighborhoods used to perform kirtan, prepare puja materials or witness events. In the kitchen in front of the house, regular accounting was done. Many local employees worked there. British Army member Jung Bahadur of Nepalese origin was guarding the house. He still has that huge body belt and accessories.

Later, when the talukdari system was abolished, although the descendants of this house were alive, the land was accumulated and the house belongings were destroyed due to a class of greedy people in various ways. Many members of that family still survive by clinging to the ruins. Local residents along with their demand to preserve the heritage of the old post office and the temple there should be preserved by the construction of the government initiative. In this regard Patuli Union Parishad Chairman Md Ifranul Haque Bhuiyan Zaman said 'This house is a part of the history and tradition of this area. Necessary measures will be taken to restore and preserve it.' Source:

Things to do to prevent Corona virus

# stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer surgical mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, mouth, head after single use

Of course it can be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.

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