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Fake chargers can spread malware or viruses on iPhones!

The Dhaka Times Desk iPhone users beware!!! Using fake iPhone chargers can infect iPhones with viruses like malware. Although this seems unrealistic, researchers in the United States have claimed that using fake or cheap chargers bought from the market can cause viruses to enter the iPhone.


Recently the online magazine related to technology The TechJournal According to one of their reports, it is possible to easily hack the iPhone by using the charger of the mobile phone, especially the iPhone. Usually iPhone chargers only have electrical circuits, but fake or fake chargers have a small computer attached to the circuit in addition to the circuit! Whenever you connect your iPhone to such a charger, it immediately starts working like a USB port on your mobile! And it will install malware on your mobile and steal all your mobile data!


Usually iPhones have special security measures to protect against all kinds of malware risks, but that doesn't work for fake chargers. Fake chargers first get an idea of the iPhone's UDID (Unique Device Identifier) as soon as it is connected to the mobile. After taking the UDID, it enters the Apple website and creates a different profile, and once it can create a fake profile, it then proceeds to download the malware itself!

Therefore, using fake iPhone chargers is now a very risky task for iPhone users. Be careful now to protect your beloved iPhone from malware.

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