The Dhaka Times Desk There are certain responsibilities in paying rent and taking rent. You need to know about those responsibilities. Learn about tenant responsibilities today.
Both renting and renting have certain responsibilities. We are very indifferent about that responsibility or we may not know much about that responsibility. Today we will know those things:
Our responsibility as tenants
# Must have a contract when renting a house. It will contain detailed information. Then just as the landlord will benefit, so will the tenant. But at the time of signing the contract, make sure to read it carefully and then sign it.
# Refrain from assigning personal work to the landlord's porter or caretaker. Give him the due remuneration.
# Rented house needs to be taken care of like own home. Keep the home environment clean.
# Must pay house rent, electricity bill, service charge within stipulated time. Get the rent payment receipt from the landlord and save it.
# water, gas bill is included with the rent but avoid waste mentality. You have to remember, you also have to suffer the consequences of waste naturally.
# Report any problem or complaint to the home owner or authority. Never compare it to a house you've rented before.
# Never rent a sublet/room without informing the landlord.
# agree to stay as many people as you want at the time of the rental, discuss with the landlord if you need to increase the number of members later.
# Never abuse the landlord at home or abroad. Do not tell others about the restrictions of the rental house or flat. If necessary, find a better home.
Your responsibility as a landlord
# Rent must be set within reasonable limits.
Never hesitate to return the advance once the # contract is over.
# Always inform the tenant about water, gas usage and other regulations before renting.
# Keep electricity, water and gas bills fair if they are attached to the rent. Avoid the mindset of profiting from this.
# Do proper research on the tenant before renting. Keep copies of national identity cards of the tenant and his family members and the written tenancy agreement.
# Never try to harass a tenant by letting a doorman or caretaker.
# Settle the matter amicably if one fails to pay the rent for good reason. Avoid creating any tension or unpleasant situation or stop water/electricity/gas supply.
# Never increase the rent without prior notice and without considering the tenant's condition.
Things to do to prevent Corona virus
# stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer surgical mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, mouth, head after single use
Of course it can be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.