Categories: health talk

5 ways to prevent heart disease

The Dhaka Times Desk Heart disease treatment is very expensive. Apart from this, if you have heart disease once, you have to suffer from this serious disease for the rest of your life. So prevention is the best approach.

We can prevent heart disease in 5 ways without medicine :-

1. No smoking and no use of tobacco-like substances such as bark, gills, tobacco leaves. Smoking and use of tobacco products greatly increase the risk of heart disease. The nicotine in cigarettes narrows our blood vessels. As a result, the flow of blood through the blood vessels is obstructed. This problem is called in medical language (ahyavatdrangpasvatdrangong) which is one of the causes of heart attack. Smoking increases our risk of high blood pressure and heart attack.

2. If we do physical activity every day then our chances of heart disease are reduced a lot. Physical activity helps us lose weight and protects us from high blood pressure. So we should do physical exertion every day like gardening, exercise, housework etc.

3. Eating heart healthy food: If we reduce the intake of oil or fat and salt from our daily diet we can prevent heart disease. Eating more vegetables and fruits can keep the heart healthy and well.

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4. Keeping body weight under control: If we gain weight at a young age it causes many changes in our heart like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes etc. So body weight should be kept under control.

5. Regular health check-ups: High blood pressure and high cholesterol cause a lot of damage to our heart. So blood pressure and cholesterol should be kept under control. And for this cholesterol level and other heart tests should be done. Reference: Development Economics

This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০২২ 3:19 pm

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