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How long will people live - it will be known?

The Dhaka Times Desk Life and death are all in the hands of the great creator. But scientists have claimed that how long people can live will be known through a test!

long people

A lot of things are said in astrology. Astrologers say, about the life and death of people. But many of us are aware of how useful that prediction is in reality. Because the great creator did not give that opportunity to man. Although many things are possible thanks to science, no one could keep people alive forever. This is one of the creations of the world.

According to the online media, the extent of life will be known through a special test called 'death test'. Scientists have made such a claim. This test is done by applying painless laser pulses on the skin. By analyzing the endothelial cells, this device informs how the human body will deteriorate with age. The small blood vessels and capillaries in our body are made up of endothelial cells. These cells perform complex functions anywhere in the body.

By measuring the pulse of these cells in the death meter, scientists claim to have been able to measure the length of human life before death. According to the Sunday Times report, they have also been able to test for cancer and mental illness in this way.

This meter indicates the person's remaining life span from zero to 100 grades. The more data about the person, the more accurate the results. Within the next three years, scientists hope to make devices that are more user-friendly. Source: Gnews Online.

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