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100,000 people want to go to Mars even though there is no guarantee of return

The Dhaka Times Desk More than 100,000 people are willing to settle on Mars, knowing that they will not be able to return to Earth! They want to spend the rest of their lives outside the Earth's light and air on Mars, a different planet. Recently, a large number of people who are eager to go to Mars submitted their applications in an organization's Mars settlement project.

A special stir has already been created among everyone with this project of sending people to Mars. Although the organizing organization has not yet been able to provide any accurate information about the source of the huge amount of money that will be required to implement this project, besides there are many other uncertainties, but still there is no decline in the interest of people to go to the red planet Mars. After the project started before this The Dhaka Times A report stated “78 thousand people want to settle on MarsThat number has increased to more than one million!

মার্স ওয়ান নামে মঙ্গলে মানুষ পাঠানর এই প্রকল্পের প্রধান ল্যান্সড্রপ জানান, “আপনি হয়ত আমাদের ওয়েব সাইটে অনেক আগ্রহী আবেদনকারীকে দেখে থাকবেন! তবে এরা প্রকৃত সংখ্যা নয়, এর বাইরেও একটা বিশাল অংশ রয়েছে যাদের পাবলিক প্রোফাইল এখনো তৈরি হয়নি যারা কেবল তাদের বায়ো ডাটা পাঠিয়েছেন মাত্র। এরা এদের ফী প্রদান করার পর তাদের বায়ো ডাটা পাবলিক করে দেয়া হবে“

Lansdrop, however, has yet to say exactly how many people have paid the initial application fee to go to Mars. Meanwhile, the amount of initial fee to go to Mars is not fixed for everyone. The fee is determined by the applicant's nationality, for example, the fee is $38 for US citizens!

Project Director Lansdrop said about the fee setting, “We want to make sure that people of all nationalities can apply through our project. As a result, we have fixed the fees keeping in mind the economic conditions of all countries. Anyone above 18 years of age can apply.

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Meanwhile, the Mars One project has informed that through this project, only 4 people from all over the world will be able to go to Mars. In this case, 2 women and 2 men will have the opportunity to go to Mars. The spacecraft will take off with 4 astronauts in 2022 and land on Mars in 2023. But among them, Kawi will not be able to return to the world, the organization has confirmed!

All selected applicants will have to undergo a special training for 8 years in which they will be given dental, skeletal, muscular and physiological training to adapt to the various obstacles on Mars.
Lansdrop said, “Through our project, people who will go to Mars and settle there will develop human civilization there, they will build new worlds there! This is really important so we want to tell everyone our story. Let all know and let the true brave apply.”

The 4 humans who could go to Mars would each carry 5,511 pounds of supplies. Astronauts will carry these necessary materials for themselves in their capsules.

Everyone will be given separate food and solar panels because Mars does not have food or water like Earth.

Although Mars One has decided to send people to Mars, their main obstacle is space radiation. If a person or an astronaut stays in space for more than 500 days in a row, then staying in space for another 500 days or more than 500 days is very risky because in this case the explorers are at risk of getting cancer. Although Mars One has reported that sending humans to Mars is the most risky activity, space radiation is not that much of a risk.

Whatever the case! Finally, in 2022, if people are sent to live on Mars and they establish a new world there, it will not be bad.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৩, ২০১৩ 10:06 am


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