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Canadian pop star Justin Bieber's nude photos released

The Dhaka Times Desk Justin Bieber has no surprise. On Thanksgiving Day in November 2012, Justin surprised his grandmother by stripping naked. At that time, Justin Bieber had no clothes on his body. He covers his pubic area with a guitar and listens to his grandmother.


Recently released pictures show Justin Bieber standing completely naked in front of his grandmother's house in Toronto with a guitar in hand. Many people are wondering why Justin Bieber is naked and why did he do such a thing in front of his grandmother?

The bottom line is that Bieber woke up late on Thanksgiving Day. As a result, Bieber's different attempts to forget the grandmother's mind! Justin went to Bieber's grandmother's door and rang the bell, and as she opened the door, Bieber sang, “I love you grandma … how are you? Hello Grandma …”

Everyone in the house was surprised by his incident and Bieber's grandmother took him to her house and dressed him in good clothes.


This pop star often indulges in boyish play. A few days ago, he posed naked in a T-shirt. Earlier, Bieber came to the discussion by kissing a waitress. Recently, Justin Bieber stuffed a fan's iPhone in his pocket during a music event.

Source: TMZ.COM

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