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Drinking water can be sharp and refreshing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Drinking water can make the mind sharper and fresher. Water makes the brain at least 14 percent sharper and faster.


Scientists have observed this quality of drinking water in a new study. Researchers at the University of East London School of Psychology in Britain conducted research on the effect of drinking water on the mind or brain. They found that those who drank three cups of water before a psychological test performed better and took less time to react than those who didn't.

For these reasons, researchers believe that the state of thirst interferes with the brain's focus. It takes more response time. Lead researcher Carolyn Edmund said it may be the physiological processes of drinking or not drinking water, which produce different capacities in different areas.

He said, in some cases thirst also creates good capacity. Because, when you are thirsty, hormones are released, which makes you feel thirsty. It also increases attention. 34 adult men and women participated in the study. They were asked to fast from 9pm and come for the test the next morning.

The next morning they were given food and water before the test. The next day, before the test, only food was given, water was withheld.

On both days of the response test, they were asked to press a specific button as soon as they saw an object on the computer screen. It was found that the group that had breakfast with water was able to press certain buttons 14 percent faster than the group that had breakfast without water.

The paper was published July 16 in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Source: Gennews

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