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Computer chip will imitate the human brain!

The Dhaka Times Desk US researchers are working on developing a computer chip that can mimic the human brain. They are hopeful that they will get a benefit soon.

Computer chips

Boise State University researchers are working on a new approach to computer infrastructure that could change the way digital computing is currently thought of. This information has been reported in a report of Economic Times.

According to the researchers, today's computing chips use complex and billions of nanoscale transistors. Although it is possible to create fast smartphones, tablets to perform tasks in the blink of an eye, it is still nothing compared to the human brain.

US researchers say they have begun work on a chip that will be able to function similarly to the human brain. According to the researchers, the work of making a microchip is progressing just as the human nervous system quickly conveys signals to the brain and is able to respond according to the situation. Source: Online

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