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Police couple murder Oishi wanted to commit suicide. What was in the 'Suicidal' note

The Dhaka Times Desk Oishi said, she wanted to commit suicide. Aishee writes 'suicidal' note before killing her parents. In that note written across 12 pages of the school book, some of his private thoughts came out.

Oishi says her parents never tried to understand her. They find the faults but never try to see the good points.

2 years ago, Oishi passed away but her parents found out about it 3 months ago. Since then going out of the house is stopped. This deranged Oishi DJ used to roam around the colorful world of drinking yaba and ganja with his party friends. Therefore, he felt that the rule of parents was the biggest obstacle in the colorful world. If the parents are alive, it will not be possible for him to do anything independently. So he decides to remove them forever. However, he had decided to commit suicide earlier. So he wrote a suicidal note across 12 pages of his reading book! The account is now in the hands of the detective. It was there that his suicidal thoughts and anger towards his parents were found. However, he did not write the letter to a specific person. This is understood in the opening language of the letter. Surely someone will read it. Oishi has written for those who will read it. Another point in the letter is that it is not clear to whom it is addressed to 'Bhaiy/Apu'. Moreover, it is said 'God' in every place, why the word Allah is not written is also incomprehensible.

In the 'Suicidal' note, Oishi wrote:-


I do not know to whom I am writing this letter. Still, I really want to say something to someone. I have decided to commit suicide. A very difficult decision. After making this decision, it seems more difficult. The chest is breaking. I don't want to tell anyone the reason for suicide. One's grief is usually never understood by another. My reason for suicide may seem very unnecessary and ridiculous to you. So I did not go to that trouble. This letter of mine can be called a suicidal note. You must be wondering why I am telling the last words of my life to a stranger without telling my relatives and parents! They never understood me. I have a lot of bad sides - I doubt if they ever tried to understand the good sides without cleverly understanding those bad sides!

I am ashamed and disgusted to show them this letter. I have no anger towards anyone. What is the use of blaming people? Everyone has their own thoughts, hopes. Everyone wants his wish to be fulfilled. It just doesn't understand the hopes and aspirations of other people. Happiness can also have a specific reason. I know they love me a lot. I no longer have the desire, anger, or energy to question their love or blame them. Only one regret remained - I had many dreams in life, but could not fulfill any of them. All the dreams that I saw with all the people of this world in my chest were washed away, all ended. Well, tell me why everything happened like this


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I wanted to love people! I wanted to love the world! People's laughter-crying, happiness, feelings, love, the most important thing - loving people. The creation of various places of the world is so beautiful that even heaven should be defeated. Why could not live here in the end! Why could not enjoy these until the end! I know that the answer lies with God alone. Maybe not even to God! I've always heard, if you put your mind to something, you'll get it. I did not want my dreams and desires! No matter how hard I tried to fulfill these dreams that I only wanted with my heart. Mentally, physically. The physical pain may not be so much in the eyes of others. It was too much for me. Ah, oh, my hands are shaking at the thought of emotional distress. There was a time when I didn't cry. Two years of life were wasted. I spent two years alone. What I have gone through in these two years, no one but God knows. Even in the midst of a thousand troubles, I used to think about one thing and get relief. At least God will be by my side no matter what. No one else will understand at least he will understand my pain. I still know he is by my side. Anyway these talks

It's pointless to say now. There is an unknown disturbance in the mind. I know why it seems that after death I will go to the place of my choice. The place will be like the earth. But my dreams are not yet fulfilled in this world. which must be filled. Man is not a strange animal! People cannot give up hope. I want to die with hope. I do not know what happens after death! Let's see what happens! In fact, maybe there is nothing to say about life after death! Just blend in with the soil. Then it's all over. Anyway, if I don't get anything after death, I am grateful for the time I spent on this earth, my short life. You may think that I committed suicide after coming to this world. Time has certainly not been well spent in these days, so what is there to be thankful for, I do not find room for slander! What do you know!


I know why I like it. It is true that I have suffered a lot in this world, the biggest pain is the pain of losing hope. Severe depression is the pain of crashing down on the head. Can people live without hope, this is one thing! Which can be held for a long time. But if I say that there are no happy memories of my life in the world - then I will be lying. How good, how much joy, how much nothing! How beautiful people's smiles, those happiness, first liking a boy - those feelings. Those times of hanging out with loved ones or friends, reading the history of the world, being overwhelmed by the scenery of beautiful places. About the world, about human life. I did not know so many beautiful facts about human life. What can be more beautiful than this! I was lucky to see so many wonderful things made by man. I could see God's vast and incomparable creation. How did I know all this without coming to this place! How could I see! After deciding to die everything seems easy now. I feel a kind of relief. I am most relieved that I no longer have to fight life.

I used to read this saying that I lost the battle of life only in books. I could not feel it then, but now I understand what it really means to lose the battle of life. I've always heard that people who commit suicide go to hell. I can't believe why I know the thing. Because the person who is now willingly going to commit suicide, I don't know how much depression, suffering, sadness he has inside him, he can decide to do such a thing! How we love this place. In spite of a thousand hardships, we fight just to survive in this place, to live a little happiness. How broken a man's chest can decide to leave this kind, this saintly life, the world! Is there no price for the pain of breaking his chest? In the world where we do nothing for a piece of happiness, despite suffering so much. God is so hard! what did i do wrong I left it without talking about life. I even did bad things that I didn't see anything coming true. In the middle, the way to fight more in life is over. I understand that God is really a rock.

There is much more to write. But I can't write anything else. Hands are shaking due to fever. The body is hot like a burning fire. Eyesight is getting blurry. Now there is no one to lay hands on anyone. Not even from This is true - people come into the world alone and leave alone. Woe to the world! How much love, how much! I think once there was a boy I knew called Earth!

Iti, Oishi/Dahlia

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৯, ২০১৩ 1:46 pm

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