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Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook timeline hacker intrusion!

The Dhaka Times Desk To prove how weak Facebook's security system is, a Palestinian hacker named Khalil Sherat has done a different kind of incident. He is Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg On Facebook Timeline Entered there and posted an article about the error in Facebook's security system.


Usually on Facebook, if someone keeps their timeline with special privacy, no one can post anything knowingly, and if they are not on each other's friend list, it is completely impossible to post on the timeline. In this case, Khalil Sherat has done this impossible task.

Khalil Sherat claimed that he hacked Mark Zuckerberg's timeline and detailed Facebook's security flaws after repeatedly trying to get the attention of Facebook authorities about Facebook's weak security and how to fix it.

Khalil Sherat said, "I mailed Facebook repeatedly to inform them of the vulnerability but when they did not reply to any of my mails I had no option but to access their CEO's Facebook timeline."

Meanwhile, Khalil Sherat sources said that after he hacked Mark Zuckerberg's timeline, Facebook authorities contacted him and asked him for details, but later they denied the Facebook error claimed by Khalil Sherat and instead blocked Khalil Sherat's Facebook ID. .

Facebook usually offers a special reward to anyone who can point out a vulnerability in their website. In this case, Khalil was not given any reward. Because Khalil's actions are against Facebook policy.

Source: The TechJournal.

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