The Dhaka Times
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Improve your memory in just 20 minutes!

The Dhaka Times Desk Memory power is one thing for which people consume many tonics starting from various plants and herbs. But this memory boost doesn't need anything else. Yoga exercise improves mood and memory.

the memory of the 10 minute

A recent study has shown that yoga exercises are very effective not only for physical fitness but also for mental wellbeing. According to research, a person's mental strength can increase by exercising for 20 minutes.

A study on 30 students has shown the jury mela var of one's mental peace, physical well-being, away from various thoughts and slow yoga exercises. For this, at least 20 minutes of yoga exercise should be done every day. In this research, breathing control, deep breathing, relaxation, and posture are taught.

Researchers say that doing yoga exercises is much easier and more convenient than doing heavy exercises. For people who are busy all day at work, it is better not to do heavy exercise. Doing light yoga exercises is very beneficial for them.

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