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A 45-minute nap can increase memory 5 times!

The Dhaka Times Desk A nap of just 45 minutes can increase memory by 5 times. Researchers published this news after long research.

the retention & Sleep day

Many people skip daytime naps for fear of gaining weight. Afraid that daytime naps may lead to weight gain again. But researchers have found the exact opposite result. They found that this daytime nap has great benefits. A new study suggests that just 45 minutes of daytime sleep boosts memory by at least 5 times.

This is not the first study on this topic. Last January, a study by the University of Sheffield revealed that 30-minute naps can improve children's learning ability. In the current new study, participants were given 90 word and 120 odd word combinations. The participants were then divided into two groups. control group and nap group.

Participants in the control group watched the DVD without falling asleep. Participants in the nap group, on the other hand, went to sleep for 90 minutes. Both groups are then asked to recall words and phrases. Nap group definitely performs better in that test.

Researchers say that the part of the brain called hippocampus is responsible for good memory. It has been found that the hippocampus of the brain is more active due to sleep. By this it is understood that daytime sleep increases or helps to improve memory.

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