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Convicted US soldier Bradley Manning wants to be a woman

The Dhaka Times Desk WikiLeaks is a US secret document US soldier sentenced to 35 years for surrendering Bradley Manning She told the media that she wants to spend the rest of her life as a woman.


In a message on American television NBC News, Bradley Manning said that he intends to spend the rest of his life as a woman, and as a woman, he has decided what his name will be. He is his future name Chelsea Manning Said to keep. She told reporters to refer to her as Chelsea Manning from now on.

In a message sent to NBC television, Bradley Manning said, "I have imagined myself as a woman since my childhood, now I will make my imagination a reality." Very soon I want to transform myself into a full woman through hormone therapy. I hope you all will help me.”

In the letter that Bradley Manning sent to NBC television, he wrote his name as Chelsea Manning. NBC Television posted a photo of the signature on its Twitter account.


Meanwhile, during Bradley Manning's trial, his lawyer presented to the court a letter he wrote in 2010 in which he told the military administration that he wanted to change his gender. In that letter, he also attached a photograph of himself wearing women's lipstick and dressed in women's clothing.

Source: Mashable

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