The Dhaka Times Desk From humans to all animals, choosing a love partner has to be judged on various criteria. And those criteria are only for love, the partner has to pass physical beauty, sense of taste, financial status and other material criteria. University of Minnesota, USA Scientists have recently found that not only humans, but also amphibians, female members of the frog family prefer males who are good at love as well as other things.
In the animal world, female members usually find their male mates by judging their physical characteristics, skin color, vocal tone and ability to bear children. But how many qualities can be judged immediately? In their study published in the August issue of the journal Animal Behavior, scientists from the University of Minnesota said that female frogs can tell if a male is good at other material things besides love by listening to the special call that male gray frogs make to attract female members. Usually the male frog calls for water 5 to 15 times a minute. In addition, each call has 20 to 40 vocal pulses. After listening to recorded vocalizations of nearly 1,000 male frogs, it was found that those frogs favored female frogs with more frequent and more pulsating calls. Apart from this, it is not only necessary to sing and call, but also to attract the lover by physical gestures like dancing.
It should be noted that the team of scientists aims to discover the process of how one frog can recognize a mate among the calls of many frogs. They believe that if this process is discovered, it will help to create better hearing aids for humans.