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Uddiya mudra to avoid stomach diseases

The Dhaka Times Desk Many types of diseases occur in the stomach. Some diseases are very dangerous. There are some very effective exercises like mudra exercises to avoid these diseases. One of these is the Uddyan coin.


The rule of this exercise is to lift the chest ribs and diaphragm upwards while exhaling completely and pulling the abdominal muscles inward, the hole in the stomach is called Uddiyan. That is why the coin is called Uddiyan Mudra. The mudra can be done both sitting and standing.

To do this exercise, first sit in Padmasana or Sahaja Asana. Now hold both knees to the ground with both hands or stand with feet about one and a half feet apart. Now bend your knees slightly forward and place your hands on your thighs. Strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulders and relax the muscles of the middle part of the body. Now slowly release the breath and empty the stomach completely and while holding the breath, try to pull the surface of the stomach inwards as much as possible to connect it with the spine. The ribcage and diaphragm will rise and the lower abdomen will contract. Stay in this position as long as possible. Then relax the neck and shoulder muscles and take a slow deep breath. Stand straight and repeat the mudra with slight rest. Practice the mudra like this 10/12 times and rest in shavas as needed. The mudra is to be done in the same way while sitting in Padmasana. But in this case, the mudra should be practiced by changing the feet. Of course, this coin should be made empty.

Uddyan is a good exercise for lower abdomen and chest diaphragm. It also exercises the pancreas and adrenal glands very well. If the mudra is practiced, the diseases like constipation, indigestion, acid colic, bilious colic, intestinal ulcers etc. cannot easily occur. In Uddyan, the rectus abdominis muscles are fresh and firm and the lower abdominal organs are strong and active.

As the small and large intestines contract, the undigested and accumulated food particles and feces go into the anus. As a result, constipation is easily removed.

Polluted air cannot accumulate in the stomach. As the diaphragm moves up and down in this mudra practice, the performance of the lungs and heart increases and no disorders can easily occur.

However, special precautions must be taken while doing this mudra. Especially those who have diseases like heart disease, hernia, hydrocele, varicose veins, appendicitis, intestinal ulcer etc. or those who have abnormally large spleen and liver should not practice the mudra until the disease is cured. It is also not suitable for children below 12 years of age to practice the mudra. You can keep your body fresh through this mudra. If everyone follows the rules of this Uddiya mudra, many types of problems in their body will be removed. Source: Online

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