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A father came back to life after being declared dead by his daughter

The Dhaka Times Desk A patient at an Ohio medical center was pronounced dead 45 minutes after his daughter called him to life, ABC News reported..


17-year-old Lawrence Yale went to the hall of the hospital after hearing the news of his father's death, and saw nurses standing around his father, but they were sure that his father was dead, and they were making no attempt to save him. Meanwhile, Lawrence said to his father, "Dad, you can die today!"

Anthony Yale's heart started beating again after a few moments of the child's longing. In this regard, Anthony's cardiologist Dr. Raja Nazir said, "It was not a normal heartbeat. Anthony's heart was beating twice a minute. Meanwhile, Anthony's little heartbeat was picked up by the machine.

Dr. Nazir added, “Whenever we see Anthony's heart beating again we are amazed! It usually doesn't happen! We are trying to save Anthony again and again.”

Earlier, Anthony Yale, a motor mechanic, needed a heart transplant due to a complex heart disease.

Anthony Yale's heart failure was first discovered by Anthony's wife, Melissa Yale, at 4 a.m. Anthony's wife, Melissa Yale, who has seven years of experience as a nurse herself, made several attempts to restart her husband's heart and was successful.

Then when Anthony was brought to the hospital, doctors found a block in the artery of Anthony's heart, but they fixed it. Meanwhile, Anthony's health seems to be returning to normal. But later that afternoon, Anthony fell ill again. Doctors tried hard to cure him but failed. Doctors declared Anthony dead.

After 45 minutes, Anthony's daughter, Lawrence, came to the room and called her father, and Anthony's heart started beating again, doctors said.

Dr. Nazir says that there is no such precedent in medical science, it is better to call it a surprise. We witnessed a rare event.


Anthony is currently at home, but he can't remember anything about his illness. It is said that Anthony Yale, who returned after conquering death at the call of his daughter, has joined his work since last Monday.

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