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Unbelievable but true: 179-year-old is still alive!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone who hears it cannot believe it. But it is unbelievable that a 179-year-old man is still alive.

179-year-old is still alive

The name of the 179-year-old man born in Bangalore, India is Mahashata Murasi. Many of his grandchildren are no longer alive. But death did not touch Mahashta Murasi. This 179-year-old man regretfully said, 'Yam seems to have forgotten to take me.' Not only in India, but in the whole world no one is known to have survived 179 years. Mahashata Murasi's name is also in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Mahashta Murasi was born in Bangalore, India on June 6, 1835 - claims World News Daily However, the truth of this news is not yet known. The news media claimed that Murasi now says sadly, 'Many of my grandchildren have died in front of my eyes. But I have not been consumed by death till today. I have therefore given up hope of dying.'

In an interview, he said, 'He has no desire and hope in his future life. However, he wants to get international and official recognition as the oldest person in the world. Despite this, he said that everything is fine. Because the Guinness record holds Murassi's name, but not the world's, as the oldest person in Indian history. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the name of the oldest person in the world is Jeanne Louis Clement. He was born on 21 February 1875. This woman is a citizen of France. His current age is 122 years and 164 days.

However, there is no solid information yet to support the claim from various media outlets. However, according to the official sources of India, Murasi came to Varanasi from Bangalore in 1903 and started working as a cobbler. He retired from this work in 1957 at the age of 122 years. He has a birth certificate and an Indian card but no medical certificate. He last visited a doctor in 1971. After that he did not seek any doctor. The doctor he went to in 1971 also died. So the mystery of his age remains a mystery. Data source:

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