The Dhaka Times
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A teenager is alive with a bullet in the head!

The Dhaka Times Desk A Turkish boy shot in the head in the middle of a barrage of bullets is walking and talking again. A bullet is still in his head!

bullet in head

But the bullet remains between the boy's brain and skull after erasing some old memories from his brain.

Central European news agency CEN said 14-year-old Turkish boy Ozan Bayer was shot by an unknown assailant last year. The shooter is still at large. Bayer survived after being shot in the head. However, the doctors said that if the bullet inside is removed by surgery, Bayar may fall to death, he has to live with the bullet inside his head from now on.

In an interview with CEN, Bayer said, 'I am looking forward to my recovery. But the doctors say, if I go to take out the bullet, I can fall into the lap of death. That's why I have to live like this from now on.'

After this incident Bayer forgot some memories of his past life. But he is re-acquiring some basic skills that will help him earn the money he needs to survive.

"Others tell me I used to play very good football," Baier told CEN. My only dream was to become a famous footballer. But now I can't even think about playing football anymore. Because I can't even walk now.'

Police are yet to find Bayer's assailant. But Bayer urged the man to come out of hiding.

Kishore Bayer told CEN, 'I will be happy if the person who did this to me comes to me and asks for forgiveness, then I will forgive him.'

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