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An unidentified flying object was detected in space

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, stationed in the International Space Station, noticed an unidentified flying object floating gently. Which is an alien vehicle or UFO (UFO) assumed. NASA later confirmed that the object was part of the International Space Station.

UFO at Space Station

On Monday of last week, Chris noticed the object floating very close to the International Space Station, approximately 220 miles from Earth. Not knowing what the mysterious object was, he sent an instant message to Mission Control Center in Houston. Although the object was initially unidentifiable, the mysterious object was finally edged out. According to NASA authorities, it is a part of the International Space Station. Basically it was Zvezda service module Its antenna cover. Russian flight control authorities identified the object.

The Zvezda service module is Russia's first full contribution to the International Space Station. It is also known as DOS-8. It is the third Russian-owned module on the space station. This is the first Life support system Part of the rich space station. Two crews are accommodated together. In addition, the module contains the overall control system including power transmission system, data processing system, flight control system.

References: Fox News

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