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Know the nutritional value of apples with many qualities

The Dhaka Times Desk Apples contain many nutrients. Which we may not know. They are very necessary for the human body. Let's take a look at what qualities apples have.


There is a proverb in English – An apple a day, keeps doctor away! The proverb shows how important the apple is as a fruit! That's probably why the patient is fed apples as food for various diseases! Although apple is a foreign fruit, it is well known and quite popular in our country. Among all fruits that are easily available yet affordable, apple is considered as elite fruit by almost all classes of people. So say Kutumbari, and go to the hospital to see the patient, the apple can easily go away!
The English name of apple is Apple and its scientific name is Malus domestica. Apples are native to Central Asia. The wild form of the modern apple Malus sieversii is still found in this area! Apples have been cultivated in Asia and Europe for thousands of years. Later it spread to many other countries including North America. Large quantities of apples are grown in China, America, Poland, Italy, Chile, France, Russia, Germany, England, Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia.

Apple has taken place in various fables and literature! The apple is believed to be the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate at the instigation of Satan. Apples are also mentioned in Greek mythology. One of the 'twelve labors' of the Greek hero Hercules was to fetch a golden apple from the 'tree of life' from the garden of Mritypuri.

The war of Troy was also fought because of a single apple!
Apples are consumed as fruit all over the world. Various desserts, cakes, jellies, jams, juices, salads, sauces and butters are made from apples. In some countries raw apples are eaten cooked with meat.
Edible portion per 100 grams of apple with peel contains –

Nutritional value - 52 kcal
Sugars - 13.81 grams
Sugar- 10.39 grams
Food Grade - 2.4 grams
Fat - 0.17 grams
Non-vegetarian - 0.26 grams
Aqueous portion- 85.56 gms
Vitamin A - 3 IU
Beta Carotene - 27 IU
Lutein – 29 IU
Thiamine – 0.017 mg
Riboflavin – 0.026 mg
Niacin – 0.091 mg
Pantothenic acid – 0.061 mg
Folate – 3 IU

Vitamin C- 4.6 mg
Vitamin E- 0.18 mg
Vitamin K - 2.2 IU
Calcium- 6 mg
Iron- 0.12 mg
Magnesium – 5 mg
Manganese – 0.035 mg
Phosphorus – 11 mg
Potassium- 107 mg
Sodium- 1 mg
Zinc – 0.04 mg
Fluoride - 3.3 IU

There is no pair of apples as food! It has many qualities. For example –

Apple helps in weight loss. Apple has the power to suppress hunger easily. So eating apples instead of other foods as snacks reduces the chances of gaining weight.
Apples are rich in dietary fiber, which relieves constipation and prevents colon cancer.
The antioxidants present in apples delay aging and their vitamins C and E keep the skin beautiful.
Apple plays an important role in preventing various types of cancer and intestinal diseases.
Apples help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.


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