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19th century machine made tweet printer

The Dhaka Times Desk Twitter is a popular microblogging and social web site. Web Developer Adam Vaughan Using a 19th century machine, he created a printer that can print tweets from Twitter.

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Adam Vaughn thought about how old antiques could be used to make a tweeter machine. The incredibly creative Adam converted an old machine into a printer that automatically prints Twitter feeds. He belongs to the 19th century ticker tape He has done this wonderful work.

Adam said, no computer will be needed for the tweet printer. Automatic Tweet Printer will work only if there is internet system connected with Ethernet. The printer can automatically check the Twitter feed every 30 seconds.

In an interview with the BBC, Adam Vaughan said, “I've always loved history and was fascinated by the construction of ticker tape. One day I thought duct tape could be put to use. Printing the Twitter feed was a nice option.”

Being a web developer by profession and having no knowledge about printer manufacturing, Adam had to face many problems in the beginning. Many acquaintances laugh at the idea. After making the ticker tape tweet printer by hand from start to finish, it became an object of interest for everyone. Basically it has been a nice collection item.

Creator Adam Vaughan has plans to make the Twitter Tape Machine even richer. He hopes to make the machine more automated and complete beyond the initial stage. This allows for later addition of WiFi and sequentially printing from other data feed media such as RSS feed or ticker tape machine from Facebook.

Twitter Tape Machine's website: TWITTERTAPE.CO.UK


References: BBC
