The Dhaka Times
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Free internet service booth launched in Jessore!

The Dhaka Times Desk As a result of the current government's commitment to build a digital Bangladesh, a free internet service booth has been launched in Jessore. The booth was launched at the e-service center of the Deputy Commissioner's office on Sunday afternoon.

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It is known that anyone can use the internet for free from here. The booth will have experienced staff to assist inexperienced users. The booth will be open daily from 9 am to 5 pm.

It is to be noted that the booth was set up on the initiative of the seven Joint Secretary Syed Mizanur Rahman, Harikishore Pal, Sushant Kumar Saha, Golam Fakhruddin Ahmed Chowdhury, Abdul Hai, Habibur Rahman and Navy Captain Ashraf Kabir who participated in the senior staff course of the Public Administration Training Center and with the support of the local district administration. . Through this service anyone will be able to enjoy all the benefits including mail exchange on the internet, the source of the district administration has expressed optimism. Moreover, those who do not know how to use the Internet can also use the Net. Information and images: Internet

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