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Nokia threatened to quit India over tax issue

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, among the popularity of various brands of smartphones Nokia Still popular in middle class countries of South Asia. But recently Nokia's India is the largest market in South Asia Nokia Nokia has already threatened to leave India due to tax issues.


Nokia has complained to the Indian government that the Indian government is illegally imposing taxes on Nokia that Nokia is not supposed to pay. India, meanwhile, has demanded about Rs 542 million in tax arrears from Nokia. But Nokia has not yet paid these amounts and they are still waiting for tax exemption. Nokia also said that imposing these additional taxes violates the Indo-Finland agreement signed when Nokia came to India. According to Finland's agreement with India, even if Nokia downloads software in India, they will pay tax in Finland, but India is currently violating the agreement and asking for additional tax, which is against international agreements!

In a recent message to the Indian government, Nokia said, "Although we thought India was an ideal place, that situation has now changed. The growing context and political instability and political influence here are greater than ever, so political influence may play a role in future business decisions – something to consider when doing business in India.”

Government of India sent legal notice to Nokia for non-payment of tax. According to the information of the Indian government, Nokia is supposed to pay 542 million dollars as tax to India, but Nokia has not paid it and is still waiting for the VAT refund. Meanwhile, many multinational companies including Nokia are looking to close down their business in India due to higher taxes in India. Many are facing court cases on tax issues.

The Indian government has yet to respond to Nokia's complaint, so whether Nokia is finally leaving India due to high and unwanted taxation is now at the center of the debate.

Source: The TechJournal

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