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A peculiar black hole is the Sagittarius A-star

The Dhaka Times Desk A strange black hole in space It was discovered by the Space Research Organization NASA. An exception to the general characteristics of black holes is NASA's black hole Lunar observatory Identified


The new black hole has been named Sagittarius A*. Which should read Sagittarius A-star. It is named Sgr A* for short. The giant black hole is located 26,000 light-years away from Earth. The superheated gas coiling around the black hole was observed by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Astronomers have found some strange features of Sgr A*. The image taken by the Chandra Man Mandir shows that black holes are theoretically opposed to many conventional ideas. Interestingly, the black hole is not cooling. The most popular idea about black holes is that black holes swallow everything.

Astronomers have not yet solved the mystery of the black hole named Sgr A*. According to Daniel Wang of the University of Massachusetts, massive galaxies have at least one massive and massive black hole. But they are so far away from us that it is very difficult to study them objectively. Among the few black holes that are close to us, the black hole named Sgr A* is quite close.

Black hole is called Krishna Bibar in Bengali. It is a widely held idea about the existence and nature of the universe. Black holes are thought to be so densely packed or so massive that the gravitational force cannot escape from them. Rather, everything can consume it. There is a theoretical idea that black holes are formed when stars end their life or when stars are destroyed. Although theoretically established, the secret of the creation of the universe, like the Big Bang, the black hole is not universally accepted. Even astronomers could not present acceptable direct evidence of this.

Although there are many theories, it remains to be seen whether astronomers can solve the mystery of Sagittarius A*.

Some pictures taken by Chandra observatory:

sgr (1)

sgr (2)

sgr (3)

sgr (4)

sgr (5)

References: The Tech Journal

Image credit: NASA

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