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America's planes drop bombs on their own country in the wrong order

The Dhaka Times Desk A bomb accidentally dropped from a training plane in the US city of Maryland exploded in a parking lot outside a bar. However, there were no casualties.


Several lives were narrowly spared when an American training plane was returning to Barracks after routine training when a training bomb on the plane exploded in a parking lot on the outskirts of Maryland.

The aircraft that dropped the bomb was a Warthog jet of the 104th Fighter Squadron of the 175th Wing. The aircraft was returning from its regular training exercise for combat in the city's mid-river on Thursday night. But it is feared that this unexpected accident may happen due to the mechanical failure of the plane on the way back.

In this regard, Lt. Col. Carles Koehler said, "The crash site and the aircraft are now under investigation, and guards have been assigned to the scene."

Kohler specifically could not yet say what type of bomb was dropped, but it appeared to weigh 500 pounds.

Koehler said, “This unfortunate incident was purely an accident, and we are extremely fortunate that no one was injured. Safety must be at the core of all our operations.”

Meanwhile, a customer of the bar, who witnessed the bomb coming down, said, “Suddenly I heard noise and fire in the parking lot. Looking forward, there is a 3 feet deep hole in the spot and all the vehicles there are covered with dirt and dust. After some time, the police came and identified the location of the bomb and informed the bomb disposal unit.

Source: Huffington Post.

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