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Teenage hair loss problem and its remedy

The Dhaka Times Desk Adolescent hair will be silky, heavy. A little wind will make the hair wave. But now the opposite is happening. Hair loss is a common problem during adolescence. But there is a solution.

hair fall problem-01

Lately while shampooing, Rimi noticed that her hair was growing uncontrollably. Rimi is only fourteen years old. Why is so much hair falling at this age? This is the question of many other teenagers like Rimi. A variety of factors are responsible for teenage hair loss. At this time, with the sudden growth of the body, there is a need for additional nutrition. But in most families nutritious food is limited to meat only. Due to which lack of balanced diet can cause hair loss. Hormonal changes are also responsible for hair loss.

While investigating the reason, it has been found that in today's competitive age, teenagers are under extra pressure. And irregularity is very common among them. This is also one of the causes of hair fall. Moreover, at this age, the tendency to look beautiful also increases. Many people use hair iron machine excessively to keep their hair beautiful. It also spoils the health of the hair.

How to prevent hair fall

# can get rid of hair loss very easily. Hair should be taken care of to prevent hair loss.

# should be massaged into the scalp with lukewarm oil at least 6 hours before shampooing.

Do not shampoo with # oil as it damages the hair.

# Always take care that dandruff does not accumulate at the roots of the hair under any circumstances.

# is very easy to prevent dandruff naturally.

# lukewarm coconut oil mixed with lemon juice and massaged well can reduce dandruff.

# A paste can be applied every 15 days to keep hair healthy, silky and prevent hair fall naturally.

# paste should be made with batter fenugreek, amlaki, lentil and egg white. Spread the paste well and apply it from root to tip of hair.

# should be left on for at least 20 minutes before shampooing.

But be careful not to use a hair dryer or hair iron on the day you apply the paste. If you follow the rules like this, the problem of hair loss will go away to a large extent. If still not resolved then consult a hair expert.

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