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Urinary tract inflammation causes, symptoms and remedies

The Dhaka Times Desk Many women suffer from urinary tract infections, but due to lack of proper treatment and lack of knowledge, this disease takes root in the body for a long time. This causes many other symptoms besides inflammation in the urine. Today we will see in detail about the symptoms, causes and remedies of inflammation in urine.


Everyone should be aware of the symptoms of urinary tract infection. The symptoms are given below-

1) Burning sensation while urinating.

2) Occasional cramping pain in the lower abdomen

3) Urine sometimes decreases in quantity and drops in drops

4) Color of urine is grayish and foul smelling

5) Pain from both sides of the navel to the back

6) Body shaking and fever

7) The color of urine is purple.

8) Loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea, all over body pain etc

Urinary tract infections include the following:

1) Impurity

2) Low immunity in the body

3) Anal infection

4) Frequent worm infestation

5) Entry of bacteria into the urinary tract due to sexual intercourse

6) E-coli infection from the anus

Urinary tract infection treatment details are given below-

In order to cure urinary tract infection in women, you have to stay away from the above-mentioned reasons. But if this disease occurs then homeopathy has the most effective way to cure this disease. Refer any injury to a homeopathic doctor and treat yourself to a speedy recovery. In this modern medical science, many effective medicines are now curing the patients from this disease. But homeopathy is ahead of all.

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