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The US is ready to attack Syria

The Dhaka Times Desk US Senate approves limited strikes to attack Syria The US is ready to attack.

Syria attacks-3

The Senate has set a maximum time limit of 60 days for the Syrian campaign

US President Barack Obama's draft proposal for military action in Syria has been approved by a key Senate committee. According to that draft, Obama's proposal, in addition to setting a 60-day time limit for the Syrian operation, says that the army will not be sent by land.

However, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Russian President Vladimir Putin have warned that this military attack by the United States will be a violation of the United Nations Charter. Moreover, the majority of the American people do not want the United States to launch a military attack on Syria.

Two million people have left Syria

People have been fleeing Syria in droves since a series of US-led strikes accused of using chemical weapons against the government of Bashar al-Assad. In the meantime, more than 2 million people have taken refuge in other countries as refugees. The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) released this information on Tuesday. Meanwhile, President Bashar al-Assad warned on Monday that the start of a military operation in Syria could lead to regional war and turmoil in the Middle East. In such a situation, UNHCR said in a statement yesterday in Geneva, Switzerland, that Syrian The number of refugees has increased almost 10 times from a year ago. Crossing the border, women, children and men are taking refuge in other countries. According to the estimate of a year ago, the number of Syrian refugees was 230,671 people. According to UNHCR, in addition to the large number of refugees, Syria has been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March 2011. Around 4.25 million people have been left homeless. UNHCR's top official, Antonio Guterres, said that in Syria The greatest humanitarian disaster of this century has occurred.

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