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Are urban animals more intelligent?

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent study by an American biologist named Emily Snell Rudd showed that city animals are more intelligent than rural animals. They found this in a study of urban and rural white rats and a special type of shrew.


In a study by Emily Snell Rudd, urban white rats and shrews had 6 percent more brains than white rats and shrews living around farms in rural areas. Because of this, he says, city rats can have more complex and sophisticated behaviors and responses. But city animals are superior in intelligence – no firm conclusions can be drawn from this study yet. That's because, say the researchers, not because of nutrition, but because they think evolutionary trends are pointing to the intellectual development of city animals. Also, not all of the rats and hedgehogs that Emily Snell used as samples showed brains of city animals. In some cases, the village rats were also ahead.

Emily Snell's research aimed to see if these rural animals could survive as rural farms and other forested areas are rapidly replaced by cities and industries. But Emily was not sure whether the constant change in habitat was the main source of this evolution in brain size. A separate study earlier found that the ability to adapt to changing hostile environments and survive depends largely on the ability of the animal's brain.

References: Daily Mail

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