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A cook is going to set a record by cooking 105 padas from a huge cabbage

The Dhaka Times Desk A chef with his team is going to make a world record by cooking 105 different items from a huge cabbage!


TV cooking host Stephen Moon is gearing up to pull off this rare feat with his team. The cooking of all items made from this cabbage will be observed on the same table on the same day.

Culinary items made from this giant cabbage will be explored at the North Yorkshire Autumn Flower Show on September 13.

TV program director Martin Fiss said about this event, "Many people are telling us what is the benefit of this huge event?" I would say it's going to be an entertainment through cooking.”

Researchers are constantly developing new foods through research but no one has ever thought of making such a large number of food items from a single cabbage.

Meanwhile, the gigantic cabbage that will be used in the food is produced by Panter Glazebook for the occasion. Panter Glazebook has a special interest in large-scale vegetable production, he has been trying to set a record for large-scale onion production for the past three years.

Source: Breaking news.

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