Categories: health talk

What we need to know about the deadly Nipah virus

The Dhaka Times Desk Nipah virus has not been detected anywhere else this year except Rajshahi. In the case of Rajshahi, the doctors were self-motivated and tested.

Nipah virus was first detected in the country in Meherpur in 2001. About 41 cases of Nipah virus were recorded in 32 districts of the country in the last 22 years. But there may be events beyond this document. From the beginning till 2022, Nipah virus was officially detected in the body of 325 people in the country.

Of the 325, 230 died. Last year in 2022, 3 people were infected with Nipah virus. Neither of them could be saved. One of them was from Naogaon, the other from Faridpur. From this calculation, 71 percent of those infected with Nipah virus die.

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On the morning of January 20, a 7-year-old child tasted palm juice. As the day progressed, his fever also increased, accompanied by convulsions. At one point the child fainted. He was taken to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital from Ishwardi in the afternoon. When the condition worsened, the child was admitted to the ICU the next morning. Doctors became suspicious after the condition rapidly worsened. They tested for Nipah virus. Nipah virus was detected in the test. This child could not be saved. The child died on January 23 within 3 days of being infected.

In this year (till January 25), two people died due to Nipah virus in Rajshahi Medical. Janaika woman of Matikata area of Godagari upazila died there in the first week of January.

According to the reports received and published so far this year, Nipah virus has not been detected anywhere other than Rajshahi. In the case of Rajshahi, the doctors did the examination on their own initiative. Elsewhere it may not have been tested that way or have the facilities to do so. There is no Nipah virus infection testing system at the upazila level and even at the district level. Speaking to a former civil surgeon, it is known, 'If there is any doubt or after hearing the case story, we refer the patient without delay.'

As the symptoms of Nipah virus sufferers are similar to other neurological and neurological diseases, it is not possible for many doctors in the field to diagnose the disease very easily. Nipah virus can initially cause headache, convulsions, back pain, neck and back stiffness, nausea and sore throat. Then the affected person may start delirious. Such patients cannot tolerate light at all. Sometimes fainting can also occur. If the condition worsens, there is a risk of sudden cardiac arrest or paralysis.

Is Nipah virus transmitted from date palm juice?

In Southeast Asian countries where Nipah virus was first detected (e.g. Malaysia-Singapore), drinking raw date juice is not common. Researchers say that Nipah virus can spread from vegetables and fruits. It is not right to eat fruits and vegetables brought from the garden or market without washing them well. Especially anything that has been partially eaten by animals or birds should never be eaten. Many people eat pet birds or animals very close to their mouths. Whether it's for giving on Facebook or for any other reason, it's not okay to follow it at all. In addition to bats, it can spread from person to person through infected pigs and infected humans.

Previously, many cases of person-to-person transmission were known in Bangladesh. The picture of person-to-person transmission of NIV or Nipah virus emerged very clearly during the 'Faridpur outbreak' (2004 incident). Four caregivers of the patient—mother, son, aunt, and a neighbor—became ill 15–27 days after the first illness of the identified patient. The Huzur of the nearby village who gave first aid to the patient's aunt also fell ill after 13 days. When the village lord's illness became serious, many of his relatives and followers visited him at his home. At least 22 of those visitors contracted Nipah.

It is learned that one of the followers of the infected followers fell ill and returned to his home where 3 others became infected (including two family members who had attended to him and a friend who visited him).

Later, when the man's condition also deteriorated, the van driver who helped take him to the hospital also fell ill again. Then a close observation of the Faridpur case showed that about one to 34 people were infected with the Nipah virus. Many of them have died.

The scenario of spread from one infected person to these 5 different levels of people is considered to be worse than Corona. In such a situation it is very important to wear masks and maintain personal hygiene by all involved in medical and nursing care along with staying away from palm juice. Everyone in the family needs to follow a lot of precautions during Covid. To stay safe from Nipah virus, contact with infected people must be curbed, there is no alternative to maintaining physical distance. (Source: TRANSMISSION OF HUMAN INFECTION WITH NIPAH VIRUS Authors Stephen P. Luby, Emily S. Gurley, and M. Jahangir Hossain).

According to the data received, the largest Nipah infection so far occurred in Faridpur district in 2004. That year, 35 people were infected with Nipah virus in Faridpur, of which 27 died. Immediately after the incident, IEDCR and the International Center for Deforestation Research, Bangladesh (ICDDRB) jointly started collecting data on the incident. It was then funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

That is, in one word, the answer to this question is not available, we have not taken those lessons into account. This time it seems that there is no knowledge gained or education promoted. Even field level doctors do not know what we learned from Faridpur. After knowing how many people died, health checks were arranged for their family members and service persons. What affords us the luxury of risking the spread of infection from infected people?

If you read the incident and death of the child Soad which has appeared in the newspaper based on the sources of the hospital, it seems that the child got infected after drinking the juice in the morning. But science says that after 8 to 9 days of drinking date juice, the symptoms of infection appear. Symptoms appear after 6 to 11 days of human-to-human transmission of the virus. If the description of the published news is correct, then it needs to be taken into account and re-examined.

But promisingly, ICDDRB is conducting the world's longest Nipah virus surveillance with the government of Bangladesh to gather new information and data to identify Nipah virus outbreaks, patterns of disease transmission and development of therapeutics and vaccines against the deadly infection. This initiative conducted in partnership with the government can undoubtedly be called a successful effort. It is hoped that this initiative will soon lead to effective preventive measures and treatment against Nipah virus infection. Can save many people's lives.

Raw juice of dates, fruits eaten by bats must be avoided. All fruits and vegetables from the market or garden (including rooftop garden) should be washed well and eaten only then. Because raising public awareness is the only hope. Source: Prothom Alo.

Things to do to prevent Corona virus

# try to stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer cloth mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, face, head must be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried after one use.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.

This post was last modified on January 31, 2023 11:45 am

Staff reporter

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