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Bitra-Chitra: One of the wonders of the world: the Great Wall of China

The Dhaka Times Desk The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world. Many of us have heard about it. But many people may not know the early history of this wall.


Some history of the wall

A long row of walls made of stone and earth. They were built and guarded from the 5th century BC to the 16th century AD to protect the northern border of China. Many such walls were built, but the most famous is the wall built between 220 BC and 200 BC under Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. It lies far north of the present wall and very little remains of it. The current wall was built during the Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall of China is the world's largest man-made structure. This wall is about 5 to 8 meters high and 6532 km long. It starts at Shanghai Pass and ends at Loponur.

When did its construction begin?

Construction of its main body began around 208 BC. Construction was started by the Chinese during the Qing Dynasty. The first emperor of China, King Si Huang (Charah Jhar Aindham), first used it and built it long to protect his empire from enemies. It was used to guard areas other than China's natural barriers and was the first level of security against the North Chinese tribe, the Swing Nu (जब इंग्रहम गै ग्यब इंगुंग). The history of the times of the Han, Sui, Northern and Jing dynasties also mentions the enlargement, modification, expansion, rebuilding of the Great Wall of China for the same reason they built it.

Many tourists from different countries of the world go to China to have a glimpse of this amazing wall. Tourists mainly visit the Great Wall of China to witness this history. Many were overwhelmed. How is the wall so big and so long? Many people ask such questions. These questions are only unanswered in the history of the world. Because this Great Wall of China is witnessing the reality. Source: Online.

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