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Great Wall of China: Some Fascinating Facts

About 10 million tourists visit the Great Wall of China every year.

The Dhaka Times Desk It cannot be that you are a resident of this world but have not heard the name of the Great Wall of China. Here are some fascinating facts about this amazing establishment today.

  • The longest man-made structure is the Great Wall of China.
  • The length of this great wall is 21,196 km.
  • The wall was not formed all at once. Its various parts were formed over a period of about 2000 years.
  • Different parts of it were formed during different dynasties to protect the northern part of China.
  • Over a million people lost their lives building the wall.
  • The oldest part of the Great Wall was built during the reign of Queen Si between 260-210 BC.
  • Since it was not built at once, Genghis Khan easily invaded and conquered China. After that, China was part of his empire for a long time.
  • About 10 million tourists visit the Great Wall of China every year.


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