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Lack of wisdom reduced!

The Dhaka Times Desk Intelligence decreases in poverty. Researchers have given such information after a long study on this matter.

decreased intelligence

Whether to have a good meal at home on holidays or to go somewhere with the whole family, this little thing makes a person with low income worry a lot. Researchers say that this thought of financial famine upsets people's mental strength and destroys intelligence. Poverty reduces intelligence by at least 13 points. A recently published study revealed this. Researchers from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom conducted a series of studies with researchers from Harvard, Princeton, and some universities in North America. Through this they have revealed the relationship between poverty and intellectual ability.

Researchers found that coping with stress can cost poor people 13 IQ points. As a result, they easily make mistakes in their work, make wrong decisions. This increases their economic plight.

Harvard economist Sendil Mullainathan, a member of the research team, said, "Our research suggests that poverty is not only a lack of money, but intellectual capacity also weakens." The researchers found that economic stress had an immediate effect on the intellectual ability of poor people.

Poor people don't just lack intelligence, researchers say, but living under tight financial constraints and anxiety limits their effective intellectual abilities. That is why they make unnecessary mistakes. Mainly due to poverty their intelligence decreases. Source: Daily Mail Online.

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