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About Syria The Pentagon plans a 3-day attack

The Dhaka Times Desk The Pentagon is planning a strong and long-term military attack against Syria, despite the short-term attack on the face. However, the media reported that a three-day attack has been planned for now.


Foreign media said that the Pentagon is preparing for a stronger and longer-term military attack in Syria than the original plan. The use of Air Force bombers is also being considered in this new operation plan lasting for 3 consecutive days. The Los Angeles Times newspaper reported this on Sunday, citing two top officials.

Under President Barack Obama's plan, a possible 'limited-scale' military strike in Syria was set for two days. Air strikes were not included there either.

The media also said that the two US officials said that the attack plan is being strengthened in view of the beginning of President Obama's efforts to obtain the support of the legislators, including the approval of the people in favor of the military operation.

The Los Angeles Times claimed that war planners at the Pentagon, the US military headquarters, are thinking of launching missiles continuously at potential targets. A continuous barrage of missiles will begin as part of an additional attack immediately after the initial bomb strike. The two officials said that initially around 50 places were identified as the targets of the attack. However, the White House has said that the initial list will be expanded to "many more" targets.

War planners are considering using bombers in addition to firing missiles from the five larger warships currently deployed in the eastern Mediterranean, the newspaper said. In that case, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz would launch a simultaneous attack with three larger warships stationed in the Red Sea and a fast warship. Cruise missiles will also be launched from there towards Syria.

However, there are doubts about the extent to which President Bashar al-Assad's military capabilities will be damaged in this attack. One of the officials said that while the planned attack would be a US "show of force", it would not fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield. Another official admitted that the strike would have "no strategic impact on Syria's current war situation." According to him, the issue of changing the situation is in the hands of the Syrians. He also commented that the Syrian civil war which took two and a half years can continue for two more years.

Obama will address the nation tomorrow Tuesday to highlight the accuracy of the Syria campaign. Before this, he is scheduled to give an interview to three influential television channels simultaneously on Monday. The channels are PBS, CNN and Fox News. Analysts say that through the interview, Obama will try to change the anti-war attitude of the American people, who are tired of the pressure of several consecutive wars. As part of this, the intelligence panel of the US Senate also released 13 videos on the August 21 'chemical attack'. They have been created from 170 videos circulating on the internet. The videos have been released to highlight the horror of the chemical attack. The US administration hopes that this will increase the support of lawmakers for Obama's proposed attack plan and change public opinion. Sources: AFP, BBC, PTI.

Note that Obama wants to attack Syria in response to the 'chemical attack' of August 21. But so far the number of lawmakers opposed to the war is overwhelming. As this picture emerged in various polls, the date of the vote in Congress on Obama's proposal has not been fixed so far. There is no indication of when it might be.

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